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Filopto Help Manual

Navigation: The Basics - Common Tools/Features

Diagnostic and Procedure Codes

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Filopto supports all ICD-9, ICD10, CPT 4 and specific Canadian provincial procedure and Diagnostic Codes and modifiers as provided by the various governing agencies.  The codes are updated automatically by Filopto. The codes and modifiers can be accessed throughout Filopto. The tabs displayed by Filopto are only the tabs applicable to your region. You will not see all the tabs displayed in the image below.





ICD-10 codes permit users to pre-define default Assessment and Treatment plans for a given ICD-10 code for use in the EMR.  You can enter your default assessment and treatment default value by editing in the System Settings for the ICD-10 code.  See ICD-10 code for more information.


When you create a New ICD-10 entry the default values entered in system settings will be copied to the Assessment and Treatment fields.




To enter or change a code, go to the System Settings and the appropriate system file.  you can add any missing code that you may require. Users can customize the code list to meet their own needs ( we do not recommend to delete codes since updates by the governing agency for our region will automatically re-install any missing codes).  Codes can be grouped in a Preferred List (most often used) reducing the amount of data displayed and making the selection process faster.


When using the code screen drop down button (Item 1) , a user can select from various options to locate the code desired (2).  The Preferred option(3)  display only the codes you identified in the system settings as your preferred codes.  Typically these would be the codes most used by your practice.  The All option (4) displays all the codes available in the system.


A user can search the codes data table by entering in the search field (Item 5)  the term desired.  Once a code is located the user can choose the code by clicking on the Select button beside the item.


Users can manage their preferred list of codes (6) by using the Add to preferred list or Remove from Preferred list button located beside the code.




Advanced Filtering


The grid advanced filtering option is activated by selecting either the drop down button of the column (1) or selecting the filtering button above the navigation tool bar (2).

