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Filopto Help Manual

The EMR permits a user to review the history of the patient or past information in several different ways.


For example on the EMR menu a user can quickly review a patients past Rx by using the Past Rx menu option.




In the various EMR screens users can also access past results of a test by selecting the Past History drop down section on the screen.



The drop down will display a list of past records and by selecting one of the records listed the information captured at that time will be displayed.  To close the displayed history click on the drop down and it will close the history screen.





If there is available space on the screen, the history will be displayed on the right side of the screen, within each applicable EMR sections.



This feature is dependent on the selected Windows Font scaling / text size, Display Resolution and display screen limitations. If the side-by-side feature cannot be displayed, the normal history button will be displayed.



