Used extensively through out the EMR; the EMR drop down panel permits users to quickly select various terms, modifiers and timing setting to describe an exam element.
When the drop down arrow located at the end of a data field is selected, a selection panel is displayed listing the various items available for the specific field. The drop down values displayed are entered in the system settings section for the EMR and are customizable by the user.
The top of the screen contains the data entry field of the drop down (1) . The user clicks on the term, special keys and modifier he want to use. As he clicks on them they are added to the field above(1) in the order they are clicked. Users can add as many items as required. If the user makes a mistake he can correct the entry by highlighting the term and deleting it or backspacing in the field. To exit and save the entry the user clicks on the Save button.
1) the data entry field which will contain the items selected.
2) Special buttons which permits users to enter special keys in the entry field (1). For example if you enter a term and then want to enter a space before selecting the next term, you would select the space button to insert a space
3) a list of the last 12 most used terms used. the list is based on the last 90 days of data entry for the selected field.
4) a list of all the terms entered in the system settings for the selected field. ( user customizable)
5) a list of the modifiers entered in the system settings as modifiers and identified to be used with the selected field.
6) secondary tab allowing users to enter a timing or duration element to the entered data. Special buttons to identify time elements are available for rapid entry.