To print an invoice, select the Print Invoice button located at the top of the screen. You may modify the size, layout and content of the default invoice by using the Report Designer in the Reports Module. You can re-print the invoice as many times as you wish.
You must assign a default Invoice template to be used with the print button. You can assign a default invoice template in the Form Manager. To set a invoice template as the default for the Print button place a check mark (1) identifying it as the default template.
The Print Invoice button will print the invoice. You may print as many copies of the invoice as you wish. You may also return later and re-print the invoice without affecting the information stored in Filopto. If you make a change to the invoice and re-print the invoice, it will reflect the latest changes made. When you print the invoice, if the invoice is in the Pending status, it will be automatically change to the Open status.