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Filopto Help Manual


The Connection Setup screen permits an authorized user to create the connection link between Filopto and QuickBooks.





The QuickBooks application on the PC where the QuickBooks data file is located must be started for the connection link to take place.  If it is not started Filopto connector will try to start the QuickBooks program.



1) If QuickBooks Is Installed on the same PC as Filopto





The user completes the Connection Setup Screen


1) Select from the Connect to a QuickBooks Desktop (1) drop down field the Install on this Computer option.


2) Select the location of the QuickBooks Data File (2). QuickBooks File:   (REQUIRED FIELD) Enter the exact path and file name of the QuickBooks data file on the QuickBooks server (Example: C:\Program Files\QuickBooks\Data\Myfile.qbw)  This is the file into which the transactions will be sent.


3) Start QuickBooks and test the connection from Filopto using the Test Connection (3) button.


4) Once the correct information is entered and tested save the configuration by selecting the Save Settings (4) button.




The QuickBooks path must be the same as the path used by QuickBooks to open the file.  When QuickBooks is open, the path name for the open file must be the same in the Filopto connector or it will not connect.


Before testing the connection or making a connection, QuickBooks must be open with the appropriate file.





It can take from a few seconds to a minute before an initial connection response is received.  The speed of the connection is determined by the speed of the QuickBooks server, QuickBooks application and size of the data file.


The QuickBooks program with the file you want to connect to must be started for the connection to occur.






2) If QuickBooks program/data is not installed on the Filopto PC:


If the QuickBooks program/data is not located on the same PC as Filopto you need to install the Intuit Remote Connection to QuickBooks program on the PC that has QuickBooks.  


Examples of situations were you need to use the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks.


 a)  the PC (workstation), where QuickBooks Pro is installed, is not the same PC (workstation) as where Filopto is currently running (i.e. two different computers)

       b)  you are using Filopto Online and you are using QuickBooks Pro Desktop, which is NOT online (QuickBooks is installed on your local PC)

 c)  you are accessing Filopto via a Remote Desktop environment (example: Remote Office or from Home) and your QuickBooks is on your local PC





The user completes the Connection Setup Screen


Step 1) Select from the Connect to a QuickBooks Desktop (1) drop down field the on this Computer or another computer via the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks option.


Step 2) Install the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks on the PC using the install button (2) or manually copy and run the setup.exe file to the proper PC from the C:\Program files(x86)Filopto10\Remote Connector for QuickBooks Desktop folder. Follow the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks instructions of the install wizard. You will need to register the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks with Intuit during the installation process.  You will be required to enter some information for the installation Wizard to be able to create the required keys used during the data transmissions.





Some of the information you will enter into the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks setup program will be required in step 3 below,  please record the information for later use.







Install Remote Connector on the machine where QuickBooks is installed.


Open the Company File you want to connect to in QuickBooks using an administrator account in single-user mode.


Open Remote Connector from the system tray and add a user on the Users tab. Enter a User and Password and select the level of access in the Data Access menu. By default QuickBooks connects to the currently open company file. If you want to access QuickBooks when QuickBooks is not running, specify a path to the company file you want to access.


Note: The Remote Connector does not use the User and Password properties to access QuickBooks; the User and Password properties authenticate the user to Remote Connector. Authentication to QuickBooks is handled based on the Username and Password entered in the Filopto Connector in Step 3 below:


When you first connect, a dialog will appear in QuickBooks prompting you to authorize the application. You must authorize Filopto to be able to transfer data from Filopto to QuickBooks.



Step 3) Complete the Filopto Connection settings(3)  and if required, select the TLS encryption security check mark option.  If the TLS option is selected, you will need to get the security certificate from your QuickBooks Remote Connector by pressing the Load TLS public Key (3) button.  TLS is a security encryption protocol that encrypt your data during the transmission between Filopto and QuickBooks so that nobody can intercept or read the data being transferred. It is a recommended security option.


To permit the connection to occur you need to provide the following information to Filopto:


Host Name:  The IP address of the PC where the QuickBooks program is located. (Example: The PC should be given a static IP address for the connection to function reliably)


Host Port:  Port number to use for the connection (Firewall must permit access) and it must be the same port as the one set in the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks software. By default the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks program use port 8166.  Users can however go the advance option of the intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks program and change the IP port to some other value. Enter either 8166 or the value you set.


Username:  Username to use to connect to the data file. Must be the same as the one entered in the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks software. We recommend that a username and password be created. The Username and Password are case sensitive.


Password:  Password for the data file. Must be the same as the one entered in the Intuit Remote Connector for QuickBooks server software. We recommend that a username and password be created. The Username and Password are case sensitive.




4) Start QuickBooks and test the connection from Filopto using the Test Connection (3) button.


5) Once the correct information is entered and tested, save the configuration by selecting the Save Settings (4) button.


6) Proceed to the Account Setup section to configure your transfer settings.







It can take from a few seconds to a minute before an initial connection response is received.  The speed of the connection is determined by the speed of the QuickBooks server, QuickBooks application and size of the data file.


The QuickBooks program with the file you want to connect to must be started for the connection to occur.