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Navigation: Configuration Manager Tab > License & Services Manager

Register / Activate Filopto Licenses

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Register and Activate your Software with Accra Solutions Inc.




The License Manager can take a few moments to start depending on your device and network speed.


Users will not be able to use Filopto until you have registered and activated your Filopto License and created users profiles for your users.




To register your software and unlock the database, modules, services and features you acquired, you must complete and save the Filopto registration information stored and managed by the License & Services Manager.  Once you have completed the registration process your Filopto Server will automatically communicate via the Internet to our licensing servers and provide you with the licenses you have acquired.  Once the licenses are loaded, you will then be able to activate them for use.


How the Filopto Licenses work


When you start Filopto,  the networked PC will verify with the Filopto License Service located on the Filopto server if it is authorized to run Filopto and what modules or features the user has access.  The Filopto License Service is a special type of program (service) which is always running on the server.  It controls access to Filopto base on the license you have activated.  If you cannot sign on,  verify that the "FiloptoServicesServer" service is started in your Windows Service applet.



IMPORTANT - Licensing


Filopto licensing use information you enter in the licensing Manager screen below and specific information generated by your server, to create your Registration code. Changing Key Customer information or the physical server or some of its major components will require a new license to be issued. Contact Accra Solutions Support to get a new license issued if you make such changes.


Filopto licensing is based on the number and type of licenses registered for the system. If you go over the allotted licenses or try to use optional modules that you have not licensed, the software feature or the optional modules will not be available until the correct license are installed and activated.


Auto License Update


When you renew your Filopto Licenses, the new license(s) file will be automatically downloaded when your Filopto server checks for updates with the Filopto licensing servers. Expired licenses will not permit updated to be downloaded or installed.  See Install Filopto License on how to manually load your license file if you cannot wait for the license automatic update.  


For your Filopto License to be automatically renewed your server must have access to the Internet.





Save Changes: registers your changes and activates license retrieved by the Get License button


Get License: manually retrieves your Filopto license(s) from the Filopto license servers. How to Manually Install your Filopto Server License


Close: saves data and closes the screen


A save of all of the displayed information is executed when you click any one of the three buttons shown on the left.  The information shown in the screen is used to activate your license(s).  


Incorrect information may cause your license(s) to no longer function. Non-functioning e-mail addresses or incorrect contact information can de-activate your license(s).  







Step 1:


To register your software, you must start the Filopto Licence & Services Manager located in the Filopto Configuration Manager tab and complete the Customer Information section.








All Fields including the Main Contact, Billing Contact and Technical Contact tabs must be completed for the registration and licensing process to function properly.


It is important to update and keep the information contained in this section current. Failure to do so may cause your license connection to our servers to fail and you may not get the notifications sent by Filopto. E-mails are especially important, if they change update them here. An incorrect email address can cause your system to stop functioning.


Any missing field will cause your license to be misconfigured or refused.\


The Licensing module will periodicaly check with the Filopto servers for any update to your license or to Filopto.  If the information contain in these screens is in correct it may cause you to not receive your updated license or updates available for Filopto.






Remember to save your Changes (use the Save Change button).






Step 2 :



Complete the License Information (2) tab information.  Accra Solutions Inc will provide you with 3 pieces of information that you must enter in this screen to activate Filopto.


1.Enter the Account Number you received from Accra Solutions Inc. (3)

2.Enter your Account Password you received from Accra Solutions Inc (3)

3.Enter the provided Registration Code you received from Accra Solutions Inc. (3)

4.Press on the Get License  button to register and receive your licenses. (IMPORTANT: You must be connected to the Internet to receive your licenses, this process can take a few minutes.)





Step 3 :


Once your Licenses have been received you can activate and assign them as required.  To confirm that your license has been received and activated verify that the Renewal Date (4) is for a date in the future (period for which your license is activated and you are eligible to receive support and updated)



IMPORTANT - License type


Some feature licenses are activated by default and do not require any manual intervention.  Licenses that are sold for use by a specific office, user, PC  or server requires the administrator to assign and activate the license.  For example the base Filopto Server license is automatically activated. A workstation License is assigned to a specific PC, it requires the administrator to activate the license for the specified PC.



Activating / De-Activating Licenses


How do I Tell Filopto Which PC, office or user has the Rights to run Filopto or a specific feature ( Activating License)


The Activated Licenses tab permits you,  the Filopto System Administrator, to assign the Filopto licenses to the workstation (PC's), remote desktop, users and offices of your choice.  This tab list all licenses acquired and permits you to assign the license as required by your organization.  Only the Tab for the licenses you have acquired will be shown.






Remember to save your Changes (use the Save Change button).




To Activate a license, select license tab and the Assign XXXXXX License button (1) for the license type you wish to activate.  It will create a new record permitting you to assign the license.  In the example above, to activate the Remote Desktop License you must enter the Name of the Remote desktop Server (4) and assign how many licenses you authorize for use (activate) (5).  You can view how many Licenses you have acquired and how many have been activated (6)


Existing licenses can be Edited (2) or Removed (3) (De-Activated) to be later re-assigned to another user.


Activating Workstations or Remote Desktop Servers



IMPORTANT: - Auto-Assigned Workstation License


By default, if you install a new Filopto program on a new workstation, and there is an available workstation license that has not been assigned, Filopto will automatically register the workstation on first use and assign one of the available workstation licenses to the device.  You can move an existing assigned workstation license to another device by removing the device registration from the list, which will de-activate the deleted workstation ability to connect to Filopto.  This does not apply to remote desktop licenses.


If no available workstations licenses are available and you do not de-activate an existing license, you will need to acquire an additional workstation license before you will be permitted to activate the new workstation.


If you change the Windows name of the workstation, you will need to manually change the workstation name for the assigned license to activate the device.





Enter the Name of the workstations/server Device Name / Windows Computer Name that you want to activate (give permission to the PC to use Filopto).  Workstation Name is the computer name given to each PC/Server. You can locate the computer name by going to the Windows Settings/System/About screen. The name will be displayed beside the Device Name / PC name label.


Windows11about   computername


Activating Remote Desktop Server


When activating Remote Desktop Server licenses you must enter the computer name of the Remote Desktop server and the number of licenses assigned to that specific Remote Desktop server.  This configuration permits you to have more than one remote desktop server and load balance your remote desktop services.



Important - Remote Desktop Server Licenses


Users accessing Filopto via a Remote Desktop Server license must be part of the Windows Server Power User Security Group.  These are the minimum rights required for the Remote Desktop Server connection to work properly.



To activate your Filopto Remote Desktop Licenses, select Remote Desktop Licenses tab (1) then enter/select the “Windows Computer Name” of the Remote Desktop Server you want to activate (the server on which you installed the Microsoft RDP licenses) (2). Then enter the number of Filopto RDP license you want to allow to connect to this RDS server ( typically equal to the number of remote users / number of Filopto Remote Desktop licenses you acquired)(3).  Save the license configuration.






Activating EMR/Provider Licenses


To activate a Provider EMR access license (1) you must associate (2) a Provider to an available license. This will give access to the EMR for the activated Provider.


When activating the EMR you can select from the drop down (3)  the user having the appropriate access rights and profile to the EMR (must be a Provider).  Only the number of licenses activated and employees identified will have the right to edit or create an exam. All other users only have read rights.  Once the Provider is associated to a license select the save button (4).


If you go over your allotted licenses an error message will be displayed informing you that all licenses are in use.




Activating PaperFree


When activating PaperFree you can select the locations having the right to use the PaperFree module from the drop down list in the grid.


Activating Task Manager


When activating the Task Manager you can select the offices having this right from the drop down list in the grid.


Activating Employee Manager


Select from the drop down list the locations having the rights to use the Employee Manager


Activating Picture Me


Select from the drop down list the locations having the rights to use Picture Me.


Activating e-mail Manager


Select from the drop down list the locations and number of users having the rights to use the e-mail manager.




Product Information


The Product License Information tab provides a summary of the registered licenses and quantities you have acquired.  This list should contain all modules and the base system acquired.  If you see a discrepancy or wish to add new modules, please call Filopto Customer Support for assistance.  


