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Filopto Help Manual

Navigation: Front Office Tab > Appointments

Appointment Confirmation List

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The Appointment Confirmation List button displays a listing of patients having a tentative status for a given provider and date.  From this dialogue screen, a user can print or call patients to confirm their intention of keeping their scheduled appointment.




To view the tentative appointments, select the Office, the Provider and Date Range and then click the Apply Search Criteria button..


If the Only View the Non-Confirmed Appointments for the Selected Office, Provider and Date check mark field is not checked you will be shown all appointments. The Tentative appointment status flag in the appointment must be activated for an appointment to show in the Confirmation List.


The Open button will open the selected patient file.


Auto Dialer Option (Telephone Icon)


If your PC is connected via modem to a telephone line, you can select the "Confirmation information column  to view and record the patient confirmation information.  (See Autodialer )