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Filopto Help Manual


Socket Error is Windows telling you it cannot find or connect to the requested PC or Filopto server.  Typically this means


1.You have lost your network connection ( try rebooting your PC or Filopto server). An error has occurred at the network level and the PC and Server can no longer communicate. (cable unplugged, power lost, etc..)


2.Incorrect IP Address - The IP address defined in the Filopto INI file ( Located in C:\ProgramData\FiloptoX, where X is the version number) is not reachable.  Either the IP address given to the server has changes, or is incorrect or the server is off-line).  Modern best practice procedures require that all servers have a static IP address.  If your server has not been assigned a permanent static IP address (using a DHCP IP address) you may encounter this error when the IP of the server automatically changes. The IP in the Filopto.INI in all PC's and Server must all point to the Filopto server IP address. In the Filopto.ini example below the Filopto server IP address is and the Filopto version is Filopto10.




3.Server is Off-Line - The Filopto Service Server located in the Filopto server is not running.  Open the Windows Local Services tool in your server



  and locate the the Filopto and Firebird services and make certain that they are running.  You can start the service by pressing the start link or start button on the tool bar.






4.Firewall is misconfigured -You have a firewall that is blocking access to the requested PC or server.  Verify the settings of your Firewall or anti-virus/malware program.  Your server Firewall must permit the following minimum ports for Filopto to run properly:  Port 3050 and 5220.  Other ports may also be required depending on your configuration, review Firewalls & Proxies Settings