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Filopto Help Manual

When you edit an EMR you will be provided with a Tree View of the EMR layout. It is important to understand how the EMR is structured and how it can give you maximum flexibility in re-arranging the EMR screen layout to your needs.


The EMR uses a tree view architecture to represent how the screen will be displayed.  At the top of the layout you will find a master group which contains all of the elements of the EMR.  This base group is called root (1).  From the root group users can create other groups (2) which contains information blocks (3) which are the actual fields, drop downs and data links to the data entered.


By renaming, moving, or creating your own groups you can change how the EMR screen will be displayed.  You can create an unlimited number of EMR templates which you can use for your exams.  For example you could have a template for full exams and another for glaucoma exams each having a different structure and a different information blocks.







IMPORTANT: The EMR Template only contains the layout of the EMR, not the content of the EMR.  The Information Blocks are the containers for the fields, drop downs and other elements of the screen.  You cannot edit the information block from the layout manager.  To change the content of the information blocks such as drop downs and pick list you must modify the appropriate pick list in the EMR system settings section.