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The speed by which an EMR open is directly affected by the speed of your PC, Server and Network as well as the number of screens and information it needs to display upon opening.  To speed up the opening and closing of the exam screen, use a template that has as many sections and/or information block closed (minimized) by default( i.e. tab format). Also when saving the EMR you can speed up the closing of the EMR by pre-closing sections and information blocks of your EMR.  Tab based EMR automatically close sections not open by the tab are by default faster for opening a EMR.



When designing your templates it is important to understand how the EMR functions.  When you open an exam, Filopto analyze the EMR template being used and for every EMR section or information block open; Filopto must retrieve from the database the fields and their content from the server and transfer them over your network to your PC which must then draw and display them on your screen.  The more elements you have open by default when opening an EMR Template, the longer it can take to load and display all of the data.  


For example a simple test of opening an existing EMR that has been saved with all information blocks with all fields having data and all elements open by default may take approximately 30 seconds to open and display before you may start using or entering information in the EMR.  The same EMR with all sections close with the same data will open in less than 1 second.  


Opening up each section or information block as required may take about a second each time you open a new section.  Essentially, the EMR is composed of over 120 information blocks and each requires some time to load from your server the information it contains.  The Images/Drawings information block will by their nature take more time than any other type of information block to transfer and display their content. The faster your PC, server and network and the faster your video card , the faster the display will appear.  Therefore to optimize and speed up the opening and closing of the EMR it is best to have the minimum information block open by default.


When saving,  if all of the exam sections and information blocks are open, each information block must be saved individually.  However if you close each information block as you are done with it, it is automatically saved at that time not requiring an additional save when closing the EMR.  The less information the EMR needs to save, because it was previously saved when you minimized or closed the section, the faster the EMR will close.  


Also important to understand is that the status of the template of the EMR is saved when closing the EMR.  Therefore, if your Template has most of its sections closed, when you re-open this EMR it will load very fast since not all data has to be retrieved and displayed on the screen at once.


EMR templates that use the TAB layout format will normally be faster to open and close than a linear layout of the EMR which has all information blocks open for immediate view. Having templates with multiple blocks, side by side,  has little to no effect on opening up a section or tab.  The wait time will be related to the amount of data your server has to send to the PC.