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Filopto Help Manual

AI Claim Verification

This option can be activated or deactivated on a per insurance company basis by selecting in the Insurance Company settings the appropriate value.





If you are submitting your claims via the insurance company WEB interface you may not want to create a valid claim in Filopto.  Choosing "No" will cause Filopto to not validate the fields required for valid claim submission.  It will allow you to create the claim based on the information of the invoice only.  Missing information will be ignored.



Filopto uses an artificial intelligence process to verify that claims contain the minimum required information before they are created.   When a user clicks on the Invoice claim button, Filopto verifies that it has the required minimum information before it will permit a claim to be created.  If it determines that some missing information exist or that a warning message is warranted to advise the user of a situation,  a Warning dialogue is displayed which list all information that is missing.  The user can enter in this screen the missing information and select the save button to continue with the claim preparation.  The errors listed can be associated to missing information from the Patient Insurance policy in the Patient File or the Insurance Company record in the Insurance Manager.




If the user continues without entering the required information the Prepare /Update button is replaced with the Verify Insurance Information button.  The required fields must be entered before a claim can be created.

