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Filopto Help Manual

Navigation: Basic Installation

Install Filopto 10 Workstation

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Once your Filopto server is installed you can install a Filopto Client on a PC by following these steps:



1) Open a web browser and enter in the address bar:



http:\\Your ServerTCP/IP address:5220/download-ini  (example:




http:\\Your ServerTCP/IP address:5220/download-setup   (example:


(note you may also use the server name instead of the TCP/IP address if your network supports it)



2) Once both files have been downloaded to your PC, RUN/Execute the download-setup application to install the Filopto client application.  



3) Make certain that you have a valid license for the new workstation.


4) When you start Filopto, if you have a valid license available on the server for the workstation, the workstation will automatically register using this available license.  If no license is available Filopto will not run.  You may need to manually enter the license for the workstation . see Register / Activate for more information.