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Navigation: Front Office Tab > Invoice Overview > Receive a Payment

TransNational Payment Connector (USA)

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As a USA merchant service provider, TransNational Payments provide credit card processing, online payment services and mobile payments to businesses of all size.


The Filopto TransNational Payment Connector (TNPC) takes credit and debit card payments at lightning fast speeds, including the latest in secure EMV chip card readers.


The Filopto TransNational Payment Connector automatically transfers the financial payment request from Filopto to TransNational for payment and then automatically updates Filopto with the payment information.  With a simple one-button click, you can easily send the payment request to TransNational for immediate payment.



One Time Setup of the TransNational Payments Connector (TNPC)


To set up and activate the TransNational Payment Connector for a specific office; open the Filopto Configuration Manager tab (1)



and then open the Filopto System Settings / Pick List Manager. (2)




Once the Filopto System Settings / Pick List Manager screen is displayed:


(1) Select the Dispensing tab and then the Electronic Payment Settings option

(2) Select the office for which you want to activate the TransNational Payment Connector

(3) From the drop-down, select TransNational payment as your processor

(4) Enter the API key provided by TransNational to activate your account

(5) Save the settings, activating the TNPC, by selecting the green check mark on the tool bar on the bottom of the screen.


if you have multiple offices you must repeat for each office.  






How to use the TransNational Payment (TNP) Connector


Once the TNP Connector is activated (see above steps) for a specified office, the Filopto patient payment screen will automatically send to TransNational the payment request when the user selects the payment Apply button (1) located in the Filopto Receive Patient Payment screen.


The Apply payment request will activate the TNP Payment device which will instruct the client to enter, swipe or tap his/her card for authorization for payment.  Once the client has entered the required payment authorization, the TNP payment connector will submit the payment request and receive payment confirmation.  If the payment is confirmed, the Filopto Payment connector will post to the patient invoice(s) the amount paid and record the payment transaction in the patient payment ledger.  No further payment action is required by the user.





If you have multiple payment devices,  Filopto will ask the user which payment device it needs to use.  The user selects the appropriate payment device and the payment process continues.






TransNational Payments Customer Support


If you require assistance from TransNational Payments, please contact them at:


Telephone: 1 - 847-655-1300

1- 888-998-6224