Enter the Logo for the office if different than the Company Logo. The Office Logo can be used in custom / branch reports
See Report Logo / Images under Company Setting on how to incorporate the logo or images in a form/report.
The size of the logo you enter into Filopto will be used "as is" in reports and forms. Therefore you should use a logo having approximately a size of 1.5" X .75 " . A larger file will result in the reports and forms displaying the actual size of the logo, which if large, may hide the data being displayed on the report of form.
Scanning a 8"X 11.5" page with your logo on it will create an image 8"x 11.5"in size which will not work, also if your scanner is set to produce images at the 8.5 x 11"size it will also give you issues. Use your scanner image tool to crop the image to only save the logo portion. If you need to manipulate (resize) your image you may want to look at free images tools such as Microsoft Paint (installed with Windows) or the more advanced version Paint.net ( http://www.getpaint.net).